Avoid weak, commonly used passwords like asd123 or password1.
Use a password manager like LastPass to save your passwords.
Just add random characters, but don’t replace them in easy patterns.
If you’re creating a master password that you’ll need to remember, try using phrases or lyrics from your favourite movie or song.
Make sure your passwords are at least 12 characters long and contain letters, numbers, and special characters.
Names, birthdays, and street addresses may be easy to remember but they’re also easily found online and should always be avoided in passwords to ensure the greatest strength.
Don’t use any personally identifiable information in your passwords.
Always use a unique password for each account you create.
LastPass have put together some password tips which you can find below and on their password generator page. With over 80% of hacking-related breaches being due to weak or stolen passwords, it is imperative that you create secure and complex passwords to help defend against hacking. You can choose the length of password you need, what kind of characters you would like to include such as numbers and symbols and whether you would like the password to be easy to say or easy to read. Then you can let it create secure passwords as you sign up and it will even remember them all for you! Have you ever used a password generator? We recommend to our customers to use LastPass’ excellent password generator () which you can even download as a browser add on.